Thursday, August 22, 2024

Lake poet blog was crafted in response to an assignment by Megha Ma'am. In this blog I have described above the lack poet. How they became the lack poet, their work and about their lives and their contribution to literature.




   The lake poets were group of English poet who lived in the lake district of England. In first half of the nineteenth century . They were known for their love of nature and their beautiful description of it in their poetry . They also explore people's feelings. And the most famous lack poet are 

  • William Wordsworth
  • Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • Robert southey 

    Where the three main lake poets. These three poets became the central figures of what became known as the lake school. Some of the other poets and writers associated with them included Dorothy Wordsworth, Charles lamb,Mary lamb and Hartley Coleridge. The lake poets represent the first generation of English romantic poet's, and definitely established a foundation for other poets of English Romanticism. Here we describe the most famous lake poet.

1) William Wordsworth :-
   William Wordsworth considered one of the most important lake poet. William Wordsworth, a central figure in the romantic movement, William Wordsworth ( Born - 7 April 1770 and died 23 April 1850 ) .

             (William Wordsworth)

        William Wordsworth was a English poet known for his deep admiration of nature and the beauty of natural world. Wordsworth 's poetry often reflects his belief in the healing and inspiring power of nature, as well as his focus on the experiences of ordinary people , here's a famous line from William Wordsworth's poem, ' I wandered lonely as a cloud '.

     "For oft, when on my couch I lie 
      In vacant or in pensive mood,
      They flash upon that inward eye
      Which is the bliss of solitude ".

        William Wordsworth, lived in two special houses that inspired his writing. First , he lived in Dove cottage in grasmere from 1799 to 1808, where he wrote many poems like "Daffodils ". Later he moved to Rydal mount in Rydal from 1813 until his death in 1850. Where he wrote his poems. Both houses are now museums that people can visit to learn about Wordsworth's life and work. They are special places that helped in his poetry and ideas about nature and life.                                                  
Rydal house

  *️⃣ His works :- 
        Some of his work we describe here,

  1.I wandered lonely as a cloud
  2.The Prelude
  3.the solitary reaper
  4.Ode to duty
  5.Lucy poems.
  6. Michael
  7.Lyrical ballads 
1) I wandered lonely as a cloud ;-
       The poem sees a field of daffodil while walking alone , and flowers beauty he remember and later he wrote this poem . Poem I wandered lonely as a cloud based on theme of happiness and joy .

2) The prelude :-
     The prelude is long poem about Wordsworth's life and focus on nature and feelings from childhood to adulthood. These poem based on themes like personal growth and the influence of nature.

3) The solitary reaper :-
   The solitary poem about Wordsworth hear a woman singing while she work alone in a field . Poem's narrator can't understand what the girl is singing, but the song is beautyful.

4) Ode to duty :-
    In this poem William Wordsworth write about important to do what's right. The poem says that our duty is important, because it's all about the responsibilities and it's encourage us to do what's right. And ode to duty is follow themes is morality, self - discipline and personal growth.

5)  Lucy poems :-
     The Lucy poems are a series of five poem . 1) strange fits of passion have I know ,2) She dwelt among the untrodden ways , 3) I travelled among unknown men, 4) Three years she grew in sun and shower ,5) A slumber did my soul enfold . The Lucy poems are very beautiful and meaningful, talk about a mysterious woman named Lucy . And explore the themes like love , loss nature and death.

 6) Lyrical ballad :-
      Lyrical ballad is a poetry collection by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. That is the romantic movement in english literature. Lyrical ballad explores the theme like nature, human emotions and individual experience. In lyrical ballad's most famous poems are : The time of the ancient mariner and Tintern Abbey .

2) Samuel Taylor Coleridge
   Samuel Taylor Coleridge is a lake poet . Samuel Taylor Coleridge was an English poet , literary critic and philosopher . ( Born - 21 October 1772 Died- 25 July 1834 ) He was born in ottery st. Mary devon , England. 
         ( Samuel Taylor Coleridge)

      Coleridge  was the best poet in romantic age . He was the leader of romantic poetry. Samuel Taylor Coleridge believed that a true poet needs a strong imagination to create meaningful and original poetry. His poetry isn't just writing well, it's about nature , express feeling and emotions.

      ( Coleridge 's House)

       Coleridge 's life wasn't easy, he struggled with health problem. Even with these health problem Coleridge made a lasting impact on literature. He write many poems. Coleridge and his close friends William Wordsworth together, they published  ' Lyrical ballad '. 
       One of the Coleridge most famous work is " The time of the ancient mariner". A story about a sailor who faces supernatural events at sea. Another well - known poem is"Kubla khan " , which Coleridge said came to hom in a dream. These poem based on language that captures the reader's imagination. Coleridge also expressed his critical opinion in his poetry . And some of his most famous works include...

    1) Frost at midnight 
    2) The eolian harp  
    3) This lime - tree bower my     prison  
    4) France : An ode 
    5 ) Kubla khan

1) Frost at midnight :-

    In poem Frost at midnight samual Taylor Coleridge reflect on a quiet and peaceful winter night . When all are sleep, he was sit alone and remember his childhood memory when he was young he was daydreamer at school. 

2)  The Eolian harp :-

     In this poem Coleridge talk about, he and his wife sitting outside , and listening to wind playing a harp. They both enjoying nature and thoughts to deep ideas about nature , god and creativity. This poem shows how nature inspires his imagine.

3)  This lime - tree bower my prison:-

    This poem is about Coleridge 's feeling stuck at home while his friends are out enjoying nature , even though he can't join them , he uses his imagination to picture what they're seeing, finding peace in his thoughts.

4)  France : An ode :-

   Coleridge wrote this poem about his feeling toward the French revolution. At first, he was excited about the revolution because he thinks it is about freedom and change, but later he became disappointed when it turned violent and oppressive .

5) Kubla khan :- 
      Kubla khan is a poem about a powerful king who builds a beautiful palace called Xanadu . The place is in a stunning location with gardens, rivers and mountains. This poem is imagery to describe the palace , beauty, creativity and the human imagination.

3)  Robert southey :- 
  Robert southey was English poet, historian and essayist. Robert southey ( Born :- 12 August 1774 , Died 21 March 1843 ) remember as Lake poet , association with samual Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth. Both of whom were leaders of the early romantic movement. Southey spend much of his childhood at in the care of his aunt , Elizabeth Tyler .

 When he was young, southey supported the French revolution. He cared about social issues like poverty and against slavery. Southey was closely connected to William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, both of whom also lived in the lake district.
            ( Southey street )

     While Wordsworth and Coleridge are often more celebrated for their contributions to romantic poetry, southey 's influence of them , particularly in terms of Idea and themes was significant. Southey 's interest in history and social issues often found echoes in the work of his fellow lake poets. Southey was deeply inspired by the natural world. His work showed a strong interest in historical. His poetry and prose often explored the moral and ethical history, society and political reflecting. Some of his work are included.....

       His work :-

1) Thalaba the destroyer 
2) The curse of kehama
3) Madoc 
4) Roderick , the last of the goths 
5) The inchcape rock

1)  Thalaba the destroyer :-
     This is epic poem, a young arab hero who seeks to revenge his family's murder by defeating evil sorcerers . His journey is filled with challenges, including the death of his love , at the end having fulfilled his mission, dies peacefully.

2) The curse of kehama :-
      The curse of kehama is epic poem. A powerful king named Kehama who rules over a vast empire. The poem explores the theme of pride and ambition, morality and justice and human nature.

3) Madoc :-
      Madoc is poem about a welsh prince who sets sail for America in the 12th century. He wants to explore and settle in the new land , but things don't go smoothly. He meets the native people and tries to settle down, but they don't always get along, and bad things happen . At the end his adventure ends in tragedy.

4) Roderick, the last of the goths  :-
     A poem about a brave king named Roderick. He fights to protect his kingdom. Even though he loses the battle and has to leave his home . The poem tells the story of his journey and his sadness .
5) The inchcape rock :-
     In this poem a sailor named sir Ralph the rover ignores warning about the rock. He sails too close and his ship hits the rock, sinking. The poem describes the dramatic and tragic event. It ends with a warning to other sailors to beware of the inchcape rock. The poem Explore the theme of danger and warning  , nature's power and human error.

   Conclusion :-
     The lake poets William Wordsworth, samual Taylor Coleridge and robert southey were important figures in english literature during the romantic period. They focused on nature, emotions and imagination in their poetry. Together, they helped change english poetry, making it more personal and emotional. William Wordsworth wrote about the beauty of nature . Samuel Taylor Coleridge added a sense of mystery and the supernatural elements, explore the power of imagination. Southey was known for his social concerns and opposition to war .

Thank you 🙏
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